Thursday, February 5, 2009

Every drawing that i drew were never ever as cute as you!

Photo Day! - Apathy.

+41 degree's celcius Day!
- Complaining. Fanning myself. Complaining. Remarking "It's Hot!" in an attempt to complain/ to beging complaining.
- No Air Conditioners. Considering it's a private/catholic school there is nothing to consider.

I Got A Harry Potter KEY RING DAY
- Its beyond adorkable.
- He has glasses and Gryffindor School Robes! and the famous scar...
- I attacthed it to my backpack! And he dangles, is that a word?

I momentarily forgot the word Antithesis.
I hate that feeling, when the word you can't recall is just dancing along the edge of your mind. Then you ask around and no one else knows and those that do can't remember and you've just screwed them over. Please people if you ever forget a word don't ask me, because its painful. I try to avoid such situations by compiling a list of easily forgotten words/ Words i've forgotten momentarily.


  1. Remember when you were trying to remember the word 'closure'


  2. 41 degrees Celsius today! That is really really hot, I don't even think it gets that hot in San Francisco. Like maybe it got that hot, once in my life here.

    So did you get the most recent issue (Thursday on the cover) or last months (ATL on the cover)? I'm like halfway through the ATL one, then I gotta move on to Thursday one..I'm so behind.

  3. Oh also "adorkable" haha! That is awesome.
