Sunday, February 22, 2009

he doesn't get it.

i can't sleep. so i'm posting this.
soundwave is today :)
i messaged alicia at 12.30 am, it was such a pointless message.
My internet wasn't working for five hours therefore i wasn't able to communicate via MSN.
I got disconnected, and tried to repair my freaking wireless internet for three hours, before i gave up and started studying for english.
I'm on my way to completing my chemistry assignment. Go me :)
I still don't know how i should seperate hydrated barium chloride and calcium oxide. Maybe i will ,once i research.
For modern history, i've decided to do the March on Washington.

I went to the dentist yesterday and he had to take pictures of me+teeth. I sure hope i don't get to see those photo's any time soon, because:
a. my hair really sucked, my mum told me so. She even handed me a brush whilst we were waiting.
b. the mirror confirmed the above.
c. I didn't know how to smile, teeth showing or not. I think for the close up i did a goofy smile, due to being indecisive.

i am talking to devenish right now.
She says a dragonfly tried to kill her.

Drangonflies are pretty. They totally own butterflies.
I don't actually see many butterflies. I once saw this Monarch looking butterfly. It was so pretty.
I see a lot of white ones.
Religion teacher said dragonflies have a lifespan of one day. He seems to know a lot about those kind of things.

My old house used to have this tree infested with lady beetles.
I use to put them in jars with holes, and put leaves for them to eat. I used to freaking touch lady beetles. I'm scared of insects now.

Beverly is currenltly listening to: Ready and Waiting To Fall- Mae (Multi sensory Aesthetic Experience)


  1. lol
    this is kinda an ADD post, but it seems to flow so well!
    i love how you blog! <3

    I like butterflies better because of their gentleness, but dragon flies always look hardcore

    is the title an allusion to a song by the Format?

    ovedie: (oh-vuh-dye) v.
    The act of being bored on purpose; almost like relaxing, but kind of better

  2. When I was like, 4 I saw the most haunting movie about dragonflies. It was so scarring I can not even recall it.
    Are lady beetles like lady bugs?
    Cos I love those!

