Tuesday, February 17, 2009

shallow is as shallow does, some people never change.

You know whats phony?
Posing for pictures.
I agree with most of Holden Caufield's judgements on the superficial and phony
He's fictitious but i think J.D Salinger thinks all that stuff is phony too.
I know when i write things i donate a little bit of me to my characters. But he's a great writer so he probably knows how to mould characters that are entirely unique and have no ties with his world. I liked the part near the end where Holden said that if he was given a million years he wouldn't be able to rub off half of the "fuck you's" in the world. Totally true.

I actually played table tennis today on account of having no other option. It was actually fun.
I mostly laughed at myself.
I had an idiosyncracy realisation today. I laughed at that discovery also.
I also laughed in math.
Actually i giggled.
Sir said "Mr. Potter, is absent" and i just immediately thought of Harry Potter. Sir has this commanding voice and he's got a very sophisticated European accent that basically demands attention-so i listen-and yeah then i giggled because i thought of Snape saying "Mr. Potter".

I really miss biology A. Biology D is great and all but i miss my friends. And the awkay tally. Sir had said awkay 81 times. But he was still rad.

In english i realised i'm weird. I've read a lot of classics and i highlighted a lot of books from the "books you should read" list she gave us. Fairenheit 451 is on there. I should read it sometime.
I've always wanted to.
Also she always alludes to Great Expectations.
So that too.
I have to go to the bookstore now.
Not now.
But soon.
And soon as in the weekend.
Not now now.

Reading that must've been annoying.

He thinks he's so damn fine. But he ain't worth a second of my time.
I dislike him.
Full Stop.


  1. Hahaha Mr. Potter! I would've laughed too. Also is your teachers name Sir or is that like something Australian (sorry if I sound completely retarded right now.) I'm hella rushing this comment to catch 24. Ahh! Okay well you should read Animal Farm if you haven't and umm Gulliver's Travels.

  2. LOL
    i read it
    and by the time i reached to the bottom.
    i forgot what i was reading about LOOL
    your awesome
    wish i was like this.
    short attention spam hardd.
