Sunday, March 29, 2009

when you encounter something that evokes nostalgia

for me, i get frustrated.
a. 80% i don't know what it reminds me of!
- take for example right now, i'm eating eclipse orange mints (they are really not that nice, but i'm eating all 50 mints until i know what it is that stirs up my memory!)
b. its similar to that frustration you get when you can't remember a word. ( I used to always forget the word indignant and closure)
c. Its the frustrated you get when, for example right now- when you're printing off a document and when you don't collect it straight away, you're freaking printer decides to take it back thus causing a paper jam! i've removed the damn paper jam, and there's still a red exclamation mark, ughhh

30 mints to go.


  1. Mints, not minutes, perhaps?

  2. I hate that. When you smell something and you recognise it but can't name it! Or the word thing, I always forget the name of that book my Scott Fitzgerald, see its gone! No idea what its called.
