Friday, June 19, 2009

Tis the time to begin assesments!
To be exact there are four: Biology, Adv. English, Modern History, Extension English.

New music:
Cam gave me an Alkaline Trio album,
and it was a pretty neat...i think it's called something something irony.
My memory is failing :(

Just printed a whole stack of literary criticisms:
three colours blue, song of myself & the god of small things.

Definitely time to begin english assesments.

My life is currently boring. I finished An Abundance of Katherine's last night & i want to get Max tomorrow....
But tomorrow is when like half the extension class will be @ Amanda's because we all decided to do three colours blue. So pizza and watching an extension english movie.
I want to go on an escapade!

1 comment:

  1. MAX! :D hahahaha so good! :)


    alkaline ftw!!!

    and lit crits are a jerk
