Saturday, December 26, 2009

High Fidelity

I had to do this. I found my charger and I'm blogging in the dark (I've turned into an insomniac)

So I've been inspired by Rob Flemming in High Fidelity to compile my own top five lists. This is all subject to change.
Top Five Films

1.Lars and the Real Girl
3.Pan's Labyrinth
4.500 Days of Summer
5.A Walk to Remember

Favourite Records (singles)

1. There Is a Light That Never Goes Out- the Smiths
2. El Scorcho- Weezer
3. Hold Me Down- Motion City Soundtrack
4. After Hours- We Are Scientists
5. Baby You're My Light- Richard Hawley

Five Dream Jobs

2.Time Magazine journalist
3.The owner of a diverse bookstore

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