Friday, February 6, 2009

i'm not gonna waste these words....

The hottest day tomorrow in the WHOLE universe will be here in New South Wales.
According to the radio.

Today was ....lack of a better word: HOT!

Alex who loves to sing, sang a song about his pens and the fly that wouldn't go away. He got his new pens yesterday and he said as soon as he got home he did his physics homework then did an extra exercise of math just so he could use them! Andrew tried teaching me the gangster handshake again...i can't seem to grasp it!

Double Period of English:
Spent in the library with air con!
It was blissssssss,

Recess: We managed to upset Josh. I am not part of the We.

Openning Mass: Periods 3-4

Lunch: Stood in the canteen line for twenty minutes to buy an icy pole.

Period 5: Math.

Period 6: Biology.
Someone left their folder back in class and my bio teacher told me to return it to C3. I didn't know where C3 was so i asked this year 12 guy who was walking past, he decided to take me there instead of point in its general direction. So we got to C3 and the classroom was empty. Then i looked at the girls time table on the folder and she wasn't even in c3 she was in room 10. I was perfectly capable of walking to room 10 but the guy was like "i might as well walk all the way cos i'm late anyhow". The Year 12's are nice.
Then i walked back to the science building and biology was HOT.


  1. Wow you guys are so far ahead of me in time! It is past 5:30 an its not even Feb 6 yet here. Haha that is awesome. That sucks you have to pay $8 dollars for AP! I only pay $1 a month. Also my dad is fine, thanks for asking. It happened a little while ago, in October. But it was still pretty freaky. The freakiest part is that a family friend died of a heart attack exactly a month later. Also I only got 2 more years to go of High School too!(I have the rest of Sophomore year then Junior and Senior)

  2. Hahahahahahah
    i like Mr dinnen.
    he's extra nice to us. :)
