Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i want my freaking tickets

Freaking doesn't constitute as a swear word, right?
Cos swearing is like ineffectively expressing anger- due to lack of vocabulary.
And i don't want to ineffectively express my anger, cos i am angry.
But maybe not that angry.
Decide for yourself.
(insert string of specially chosen swear words)

LOL thats me overexaggerating to an extent that i have made a mockery of myself.
i'm not angry.
i'm frustrated.
which can lead to anger.
yes indeed
why you ask,
my tickets which cost me-well my mum- $150 have not arrived.
i paid $10 for postage and handling- and still they are incapable of delivering the tickets.
first it was 28 business days.
then it was the 30th of December.
How much longer.
i'm trying to maintain optimism, and like seriously put this whole thing into perspective.

i want to see freaking FTSK, HGB, JM, NFG, VALENCIA, HOUSTON CALLS : (
its like my only opportunity.

please come in the mail.
do they deliver mail on the 1st of Jan?
i will now use my powers to induce my tickets into arriving tomorrow.
lol i am pathetic.

oh an vivian,
please don't farewell bilbo baggins style :(
i love reading your blogs.

Hi erica!
i realised you've read Maximum Ride!
i've read the first one.
and i though it was freaking awesome.
but the bookstores i go to only have the angel experiment and final warning.
so i had to order it :(
waiting sucks!

so i urban dictionaried rainbow child.
it came up with rainbow B*%$#
i see the world child isn't good enough.

rainbow bitch
4 up, 1 down
A homosexual person who is being a bitch
"Ease up on the root beer, rainbow bitch!"

well that sums up a pissed person and an ignorant one too.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

But they'll never, never, never take the summer from me

we went beach for my birthday, as a family!
we were supposed to go jamberoo but as the birthday gal i was like i WANT to go see i don't like the masses, i was pretty sure everyone was chillaxing at jamberoo :) logical thinking on my part!

It was fun. i love the feeling :
of the sand shifting to the countours of your body.
of the waves crashing whilst you stand there and become hypnotised
by its incessantness
it makes you feel
like you're drifting
like time is speeding by
but your still the same person
captured in the same lanscape.
like a still portrait hung crookedly on a backdrop of wallflowers
yet you don't feel like a prisoner
instead you feel liberated
freedom at its peak?
maybe not, but close to it.

so the only part that sucked was that everyone was bike rididng and skateboardin'
which made me jealous- very jealous.
living near the beach must be awesome, like these kids get to bike ride ocean style and frolick the eskimo way- lol no maybe not cos its a bajillion degrees- but they get to FROLICK.

which saddened me deeply.

so new years eve tomorrow!
it shall be spent at Sydney- the city.
it will be awfully crowded- and everyone will be obscuring the view.
but i won't be harbourside apparently
cos we'll be close enough to see the fireworks without the masses.
LOL no i don't have a phobia of the masses, i just don't like being sandwhiched and trodden on.
thats pretty rational right. no one wants to be sandwhiched. maybe ham. maybe lettuce. but they cant speak for themselves.

so i have mastered the art of reading in vehicles (veeehicals- hehe pronounce it that way its fun) , the trip to the beach gave me ample time for reading and because we got lost a couple of times my brother was like "i swear she'd finish that book before we even get there" and yeah i did :) but it was 25% read so it was only a matter of reading 75%.
Anyways- i did bring another book to read at the beach- but the waves were so inducing and the sand was so persistent- it kept going on my face and it wasn't very pleasant SAND ATTACK pokemon style'
so yeah.

kiss my sass! (apparently i sound like a rainbow child when i say that- but really its just cobra starship i'm quoting, and i thought rainbow childs (lol i love making my own plurals) were like hippie style kids or indie maybe- but apparently they're gay. and i was like are you for real.
maybe i should urban dictionary it- cwiz cannot be trusted. ahaahaha

okay skateboardin'!! yeah at night, becasuse me and my big sister are rad.


my birthday : )
last time i could listen to fifteen by taylor swift with relevance

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A common feeling amonst people who's names begin with the letter B. Or perhaps common amongst all people regardless of er.....

So now i know how Bart felt when Homer forgot to pick him up after soccer practice.
Was it soccer practice? i can't remember despite the fact that i've probably watched the episode a 10000000 mutliplied by infinity to the power of 10 times.
I was forgotten. It was rather comical actually.
I asked Ben if i could go home early, there were no customers and my tummy was angry at me and so were my knees- except they didn't really tell me because they have no voice sadly. - well actually they do have a voice but its not heard its felt, so therefore they have no voice because they can't be heard, right?But they still have a voice- because they can express themselves! i confuse myself. So he said yes. Then i said bye to everyone, and then Ben was like "look a wet floor sign". Then i laughed, because i slipped last time, and ended up fracturing my wrist and having a bruised lip.

Then i was like wohoo at my luck for getting let out early, because i could finally have my frozen coke and hot dog at Donut king ( i had decided to get this combo after staring at the donut king menu every time i wasn't serving.)
So basically i finished at 3.45 when i was meant to finish at four.
So i expected my brother to pick me up at 4.10 which is logical thinking right?
Anyways i waited. Chomped on my hot dog till it became invisible and drank my frozen coke until it had only scoopable frozen parts. By that time it was only 4 pm.
So i waited, the sun was burning me even though i was in the shade. My black pants were absorbing far too much heat, it wouldn't have suprised me if i got charred.
I waited till 4.40 pm and i was like where the hell is he?
So i looked for a pay phone because i didn't have my phone on me, which was really stupid of me. Then i couldn't find one so i went and asked Ben. I called and by the sound of his voice he had realised.
So i got picked up, but i felt forgotten.
Because i was forgotten.
But i'm over it now.

Oh and i saw a guy that looked exactly like Alex Gaskarth. (blonde version)
Carbon copy, honestly.

Back to school in exaclty one month.
The Subjects i chose

Extension English - 3 Units
Chemistry- 2 Units
Biology-2 units
Studies Of Religion-2 Units
Modern History-2 Units
Advanced Mathematics- 2 Units.

Then to my dismay,
i discovered that i wasn't allowed to do 13 units, so they removed my extension english and made it Advanced English.
Then i screamed for a while.
Called the cirriculum coordiantor up, put on my theatrics (with a lot of passion) and failed at getting thirteen units.
What school deprives students the right to choice, and thirteen bloody units? My school.
So i'm going to drop a unit of religion and get my EXTENSION ENGLISH BACK.

I really didn't mean to post this much but i've got a lot on my mind and i couldn't help it.

The title would be extremely fitting for a new fall out boy song.
I wonder if they'll be remembered for having unecessarily long song titles.
But then again i wonder too much.
But then again i don't want apathy to engulf my many ponderings and curiousities.

When indecision has got you at gun point
will there be someone
to take the bullet
or will you appear
with onamatepia's
your every scream
the sound
of the bullet
through the air
and into
your soul.

Writing is the only way i can express myself really well.
I'm insecure.
I don't like it when people read what i've written, especially if its something that i put thought and passion into.
But at times i make stories and characters that i love so much that its difficult not to share it.
I still don't know what to do.
I love science and english equally.
I know that there will only be two courses i want to do in Univeristy.
Medical Science and Media And Communications, both at the University Of Sydney.

yeah pretty high UAI's but i'm determined.
here are career options i've played around with.

Medical Correspondent.
Time magazine journalist. (ambitious yeah i know. but i'd do it, i'll work my way from the bottom taking coffee orders etc.)
Doctor and part time author.

I want to find inspiration again,
and motivation.

I really like this:
It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. JK Rowling

I remember writing a feature article for english, the theme was heroes and i wrote about JK Rolwing. She really is an inspiration to me, and her story- her life reallycaptures the ability to stand up after tribulations and succeed.
I remeber getting the highest mark, and i'm not boasting- its because i was able to evoke the "she is really my hero" understanding to my english teacher.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


So I went to work today.
Its been a while, about One week and 6 days.
Before going to work i went to the newsagency and looked for Alternative Press, the only readable magazine in existence, well after Time magazine (which i can't get enough of-but will have to live without for a couple of weeks, my mum brings it home every friday from work, but its the holidays and she won't be at work)
Well anyways to my amusement i discovered AP hidden behind some skateboarding magazine. I could tell someone hid it on purpose, because i do that. Buts its understandable- desperate times (global financial crisis) call for desperate measures (hiding magazines).
So i bought it for $7.95. And then ran to work so i could make it on time.
Then when i was working the shop was dead, which was awesome cos my manager decided to close 30 minutes earlier. Sam did a little dance, then i was being super nice to all the customers, (i'm always nice, it just saddens me sometimes that some people can't be nice back) and then i was released from captivity.
It was raining outside so i read AP inside the store whilst sitting on stacked chairs, waiting for my brother to pick me up.

Okay my day bores me completely so i'm going to begin a new subject. Here are my happy and sad realisations. You decipher them yourself :)

1. Ska music makes me happy.
2. A Blue sky makes the world look more beautiful. Honestly everything looks so pretty and it makes me happy. The clouds look tangible- like they're actually fluffy and you can touch them and eat them like fairy floss (cumulus clouds look yummy. i'd never really liked wispy clouds...are they called cirrus?) , the sun filters through the trees and the grass is an unatural shade of green.
3. Not all people follow trends, speak like they're stupid and don't read.
4. I love that i don't have to try very hard not to be a conformist.
5. I love that i'm someone who reads too much, who writes too much, who has a life size harry potter poster on her wall above her book case, who appreciates literature and great writers like Leo Tolstoy, Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen.
6. Liking indie music makes you some what musically isolated.
7. The guys i've thought were great and awesome are fictitious- notably David from All American Girl, Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, Ron Weasley- Harry Potter, Kevin-27 Dresses.
8. JRR Tolkein writes effortlessly.
9. I want to live in Borders
10. The manager at Dymocks Bookstore remembers me, because i'm there too often.
11. I don't think any of the above were sad realisations.

A Blog A Day?

I know one day i'll neglect this blog.
I''ll go through one of my phases and forget this blog ever existed.
I want my animal crossing! its the only game i've ever loved.
Actually GTA! ahaha its a bad game, but addictive. Ever try getting a garbage truck and running down all the pedestrians on the most populous strip? I always get hospitalised or i get like 3 police stars and get caught, because i'm a slow driver and the cop manages to open my stolen garbage truck door.
I read All American Girl again last night.
I fell in love with David again, because he wears Save Ferris and Reel Big Fish tee's and is smart.
Anyways i give up because my little sister is reading the pokemon diamond pamphlet. Who gives a shit about watering berries and increasing your pokemon's condition. GRRR. i can't think and i want to swear but i already said shit and i don't want to say the word i really want to say or perhaps scream. ^%&@.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Could Not Be Compelled.

I was going to write about my day through several intelligent haiku's. 5 syllables, 7 syllables then a final 5 syllables. But then i was thinking what would my computer monitor think of me? Who is this silly person clapping 17x6 times to perfect a syllable count and by doing so putting seals to shame. Yes i'm indecisive and care about what inanimate objects think of me. Please disregard the latter because my sarcasm sucks and inaminate objects can go personificate themselves.

Here are my lazy sentences.

Woke up and stared at pacthes of sunlight.
Soon became hypnotized by the flickering sunlight.
Fell asleep.
Awoke from slumber.
Recalled various dreams throughout stages of awakening- brushing teeth, eating brunch
Smiled at the blue sky.
Watched Oprah
Decided that Benjamin Button's name flows.
Continued reading Fellowship of The Ring.
Determined that Sam Gamgee is/was gay.
Dozed off into the an almighty and powerful power nap- Intel microprocessors power nap so screw you.
Awoke and ate lunch.
Wrote this sentence.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Jesus.

Christmas is over! ( I reread this part and it sounds like i'm happy its over- which is not the case, so read it again and imagine i said it in a sad tone, in an almost choking on my tears kind of way, and no i refuse to remove the exclamation mark so its easier for you to form connotations you didn't need to procure from your immagination in the first place) Okay i think i've lost everyone.
I'm guessing above it says this blog was written on the 25th of December.
Wrong! What lies have fed this internet page.
Blog spot simply presumed my time zone which is quite sad.
Its 12.02 am as i write this sentence. < that one there

Christmas is about Jesus, and the gifts and blessings we already have. Its a time of appreciation.
I was watching TV and there was a show called "Celebrate Christmas" and they had cartoons depicting various christmas stories, for example an adaption of Russian author Leo Tolstoy's (one of my favourite authors- my favourite of his is Anna Karenina) 'What Men Live By'.
I haven't read the book but now i plan to. I loved the story! Its about a poor bootmaker named Simon who helps a man named Michael, who he found naked in the snow. Simon clothes him and takes him home. Upon bringing him home his wife is at first disappointed in Simon and i quote "we always give to everyone but no one gives to us". Anyways she feeds Micheal. Simon teaches Micheal to make boots. Micheal continues to live with Simon's family and becomes a fine boot maker and acquires a fine bootmaking reputation too.
Michael is enigmatic and is rarely seen smiling but when he does smile its as if a million smiles were put together and did i mention he also glows? Well anyways he reveals that he was an angel but God sent him on earth to discover three truths. 'what dwells in man', 'what is not given to man', and 'what men live by'. In the end Micheal goes back to heaven as he learnt three truths he believed were non existent. I recommend you get the story in detail :)

Anyways this years favourite christmas present is a Yale University tee. I already have a Harvard sweatshirt and ever since i watched Gilmore Girls i've really wanted Yale merch. The main character Rory is extremely intelligent. She made it into Harvard, Yale and Princeton. Her goal in life was to go to Harvard but instead she goes to Yale.

Got a bit side tracked there.

:) keep reading.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

All Time High :)

All Time Low is on the cover of Alternative Press! Yet Again...

After hitting up their myspace and making this awesome discovery i literally screamed. It was a good thing i was persistent and patient with my capped internet or else i would've never known...well for a while.

So this calls for celebration i guess?

Poppin' Champagne!

So long as i don't hear them on the radio...and every other girl wants a piece of Alex Gaskarth meat!

Seriously. Ahahaha.....

Mainstream sucks but i think i'll always love them. I think!

Definitely getting the copy which comes out in The US of A on January 6 2009...which translates to $15 at Borders sometime January or early February or $7.95 at my news agency in late February. Sometimes it sucks not to live there. For example $10 tickets to indie concerts.

I think i'm really into math and paraphrase Motion City Soundtrack's- Make Out Kids.

So i'm going to post a lovely photo of All Time Low....but i'm still waiting for their myspace page to load. Its full of multimedia that takes forever and eternity to load. But its sa'll good......

I'm still anticipating my soundwave tickets...which i presume will come when i turn 16! Dec 30 was the expected insertion of soundwave tickets into the mailbox by the mailman- LOL!. Good present...except i bought my tickets November 1 and they predicted 28 business days for it to be safe in my hands....and since Nov 1 i've been checking the mailbox and anticipating the mailmans arrival- well from the 26th when school ended. I walk out of the house in my pj's, to see if they've arrived early and now i think the mailman has memorised my pj wearing pattern.

I just heaved a deep sigh. For some inexplicable reason.

I had a dream my parents wanted to go Andre Reui's concert, i can't even spell his name right. The tickets were $395 and that was on sale. All i know is that he's a violinist and those damn television ads are getting to me :(

I must finish the Lord of The Rings Trilogy soon.....i liked this quote "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost" - Gandalf.

So Here it is...

Drum roll...

Front cover...i anticipate a glossy REAL version. I hear AP subscriptions in America are $12 a month. sucks.

Classy pose. Pretty rad for golfers.


Many people don't blog, maybe its the fixed perception and knowledge that no one will ever read whats written, maybe its the fear of making one's opinion public or maybe a more plausible reason: people have no time. Everyone seems to be confined, contained in hour glasses, the trickling of sand uncannily loud and incessant whilst they bask in their captivity ( I say bask because people seem to be oblivious that they're caged by time) . Why has the slow vortex of lack lustre and routine life robbed everyone? Robbed everyone senseless?

So it's my first post, maybe i should talk about myself, it was my first intention except i kind of wrote what i thought as soon as i started blogging. (insert giggles here)
I am fifteen, sixteen in precisely 6 days!
There's not much to say, except i'm an individual. I don't think i fit into any stereotype, but i don't care because only judgemental people catagorize people. Though i must admit i do it myself. Okay moving on...
I love to read, and my ultimate goal is to make my bedroom a library. I am a chronic book reader, and if you tell me to read twilight i will roast you! Paraphrasing Gandalf there.
I listen to music made by people in bands with obscure names. Indie music is the best, it has articulate lyrics and is punctuated with non-cliche beats. The Courteeners and The Postal Service. I love British indie, the accent sounds intelligent. The Postal Service is American and i love American Indie too.
I don't like indie movies as much though. If you've ever watched Kieth you probably wouldn't understand what the movie is about unless you read the wikipedia article.... and thats if you ever get that compelled to google it and sift through the search engines results. Its hard to get the drift but not because the dialogue is extremely difficult to follow or the characters converse like they were products of Charlotte Bronte's imagination but because the background music is overpowering. Background music is not meant to exceed the volume of the actors voices but coupled with a poor budget and poor audio equipment you get exactly that. Indie movies... not my cup of tea.

Gahh i dislike talking about myself.
New Topic SIR!
Maybe tomorrow mam!

So this marks the end.
Till after Christmas non existent but maybe existent and then persistent blog reader!