Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We all need a reason to believe.

My input on Cameron's street sign . We went there today, Cam reclaimed it. It was a long walk. I came home at around 4.50pm, i felt like a rebel.
I had:
a. Grafitied on a street sign that did not belong to the street it was placed on.
b. Came home late!

It was a risk , i hadn't told my parents where i would be after school. But now that i think of it, i don't think it was a big deal to them.

We walked up the field, across the pond and took a shortcut through Terangle Close, and found the street sign. I wrote around it, and to read what Cameron wrote and what i wrote you'd have to walk around the pole.
Cameron wrote sweet stuff on it.
i like this the best: the key to self actualisation is self providence

After walking around Prestons, i walked home and it began to rain.
It was a good adventure, even though it's kind of truncated in this story.

I'm tired.

1 comment:

  1. this seems like a really cute anecdote. like, it would make a cute, short indie film. :)

    oh, and i dont get half of your comment
    example: FAN GIRL #6266
    Ryan Ross is such a hottie.

    who was that?!
    we need to talk on MSN soon, hun. ahah

    dratsups: when you want to speak to someone, but they're not online
