Friday, December 26, 2008

Could Not Be Compelled.

I was going to write about my day through several intelligent haiku's. 5 syllables, 7 syllables then a final 5 syllables. But then i was thinking what would my computer monitor think of me? Who is this silly person clapping 17x6 times to perfect a syllable count and by doing so putting seals to shame. Yes i'm indecisive and care about what inanimate objects think of me. Please disregard the latter because my sarcasm sucks and inaminate objects can go personificate themselves.

Here are my lazy sentences.

Woke up and stared at pacthes of sunlight.
Soon became hypnotized by the flickering sunlight.
Fell asleep.
Awoke from slumber.
Recalled various dreams throughout stages of awakening- brushing teeth, eating brunch
Smiled at the blue sky.
Watched Oprah
Decided that Benjamin Button's name flows.
Continued reading Fellowship of The Ring.
Determined that Sam Gamgee is/was gay.
Dozed off into the an almighty and powerful power nap- Intel microprocessors power nap so screw you.
Awoke and ate lunch.
Wrote this sentence.

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