Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i'm a junior : )

So today was the first day of Year 11.
I woke up at 6:33 am- 7 minutes before the alarm went off. A rare occurance, one that i am definite will not happen again :)
So i was going to blog about my day but i'll just list some sad realisations and some happy one's.

Sad Realisations
1. Induction Day is like torture, i would rather watch bold and the beautiful or the young and the restless or even like a combo marathon of the two than go through induction day again. I don't particularly fancy listening to people talk about things that induce boredom. For example in homeroom our teacher explained in great detail every page including the six priorities of the school and the mission statement...and not to mention the other 21 pages, in small print may i add.

2.So far i have only seen two rooms with airconditioners. The Chapel and the Library (i'm not so sure) I'm going to melt......

3.The grass is dying and parched.

4. My big sister says that my chem and bio teachers aren't that great. I like great dedicated teachers/ they play a significant role in my learning and i'm really worried. Question: Say if you're a capable student but your teachers aren't that great do you believe that capable student is still able to get good results?

Happy one's (rainbows, fragrance of di da di da)

1. Cwiz is in my chem and bio classes :) So maybe it'll be tolerable

2. The school has a nice view especially from the basketball courts- you can see the bush and everything and the skyline is of cities.

3. um....i've kinda run out....


  1. LMFAO, induction day was so boring. My homeroom teacher talks like Mrs Stirling, now that is a major downfall.
    So they have air conditioning in the chapel? T_T
    Yay to being in your classes :] Harharharhar.
    But damn, to our teachers being shit.

  2. First off, nice new banner. That cassette-headed dude looks cool/cute even if I'm not sure how he relates to the title.


    1. I don't really know what Induction Day is, but it sounds pretty terrible. Like orientation day or something. I understand teachers going over their requirements for the course, but going over the school statement sounds ridiculous.

    2. That's terrible and funny at the same time. I'm sure you won't melt :P.

    3. At least its not covered with ice.

    4. Of course. You can't blame the teacher. Even if she isn't that great of a teacher, you can almost always make the grade. It might take more work though.


    1-3. Awesome!

    I'm sure school will probably get better. Have fun, heh.

  3. BIO FTW
    chem not so much!

    yay for being awesome in school!

    but question. I asked you if you called your high school years "freshman, sophomore, junior, senior" and you said no... now im confused.

    nice new blog title. i dig a lot.
