Thursday, January 29, 2009

Second day

Classes officially started today.
We had homeroom, then period 1 we had assembly and period 2 we had Homeoom again just to get familiar with the SCHOOL DIARY- not that it needed a more thorough explanation after yesterday. So our homeroom teacher repeated most of the things he said yesterday and explained page 9 the anti bullying policy again which provoked Jimmy to remark "Bro, this guy is so lost we did this yesterday!".
Then we played a game to get to know each other- name two truths and one fantasy and the class had to pick out the fantasy. It wasn't very tricky but it didn't help because i still don't remember names.

Period 3: English
We got homework.

Period 4: Studies of Religion 2 unit.
Funny teacher.

Lunch: Was asked if i wanted to trade my phone number for assignments done. Though he was very persistent i didn't give it.

Period 5: Biology
Teacher said that "Disease" could fit under the Abiotic and Biotic catagory. He also said that viruses are abiotic. Ahem

Period 6: Math
teacher is extremely funny, recommended we have metal rulers as they are great for stabbing especially at Liverpool Station! I like my math teacher he seems mad and he has a genuine interest in teaching.

home time! We were going to walk all the way to the mall but we walked opposite to the park. It was extremely hot and we walked heaps. Good thing the bus came straight away.


  1. 4 Classes?!?! Gah! I bet your classes are probably harder though. Do you get like loads of homework? Also you should try Volleyball. I know soooo many people (mostly girls) who play volleyball. It is also crazy intense to watch. Lastly, if I could hang out with one member of ATL it would have to this is hard, but I think either Rian because he has awesome hair or Alex because he just seems really cool.

  2. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH MR MATHS TEACHER IS RAD! I think I shall enjoy maths this year (H)

  3. HAHAHAHAHA disease and virus, me and you were like. Isn't it under biotic .....
