Monday, January 12, 2009

oh the obscurity

when i make references to things, no one gets them.
when people make references to things i mistake the references, i just don't get the non obscure things.
For example someone had GREEN LIGHT on their MSN- i think it was viv- anyways i was trying to figure it out, instead of presuming it had something to do with traffic lights which i later though of i instantly though of the green light in the Great Gatsby. The one that Jay Gatsby would look at at night, cos it was from Daisy's front yard.
I'm stupid for this.
Ahahaa i have a knack also for making Harry Potter references- for example saying spells. To summon something i really want i say "Accio" but no one gets me. I WANT A WAND :) Then my diction gets screwed after reading a classic, like after i read something with such elegant english i use the most archaic words in existence and expect people to understand me. Such compelxity.


1 comment:

  1. OMG

    creepy moment of me, but do you have msn?
    i recall that you do :)

    comedlit: obscure references to popculture that aren't typically accepted in regular society due to strangeness
