Saturday, January 10, 2009

salt peppa and spinderella

i love johnny foreigner, god bless Alternative Press for featuring them in the Dec Issue because if they hadn't i would've been deprived of awesome British Indie. I honestly love British indie, the accents are classy. Actually they have no accent- us people should pronounce english words they way do- because they are ENGLISH MASTERS.
I was at work yesterday and this mum who just moved to Australia from the UK like three weeks ago was conversing with me- and i when i spoke i accidently put on a british accent- i think i just kind of latched on- like you get me- i was influenced and my brain was dying to emulate.

woman: i don't know what to order. do you have hashbrown burgers? (i was lost- HASBROWN BURGERS WHAT ON EARTH) Everything is so different here.

Me: oh yeah- are you here on holiday?

woman: No i've moved just three weeks ago, but i've got four kids- it costs a fortune

me: laughs puts on accent "Oh reallay?'

so shameful of me.

Anyways back to the point.

salt peppa spinderella!

its catchy and lovely!

check out Valencia's kitchen sesh's they are freaking rad.
shane's voice is so raw live
can't wait to MEET THEM - expressed this on their myspace page recently.
i hope i get a comment,
i remember when A Cursive Memory commented back - it was bliss :)

i want to live in America :(

all the best bands exist there.


  1. bah! but we have a crappy government. And I feel we're too materialistic... but I suppose some countries are the same?

    but I do like our music. and diversity.
    british indie is amazing. :)

    do you have an accent? I wish I did. I don't even have a valley girl accent... Well, I actually don't want a valley girl accent but my point is that I lack accents in general, even the accents from my area.

    cretl: (pronounced kreh-tul) when a person lacks the culture of their society/county

  2. bahahah
    another comment due to lack of reply system still!

    I suppose I have a californian accent, I just never realized it. :)
    but im trying to imply that even though im from "the oc" im not some snotty, stupid rich kid, yeah?

    I love european and australian accents! :D

    prolig: (pronounced as spelled) being in favor of something a person has when that person isn't in favor of it themselves.
