Sunday, March 8, 2009


I had work yesterday! I ended up working 8 hours instead of 4. It was okay, except i didn't really feel like being there after looking outside. It was perfect sunny again, and it just killed that i couldn't be out there riding my bike or doing something outside.
I had a mango smoothie for my break. I was let down. Curse you mango smoothie! I always have these expectations and 3 quaters of the time they aren't met!
My mathematics is improving. Gone are the days where i would do a question, get bored or distracted, close the text book and do something else. I'm doing my homework and studying! I don't give up as easily too. In fact i don't give up, i do the question until i get the right answer.
Yay for math!
I finished my biology report.
Just have to memorise everything for tomorrow.

I want to start a photo journal! Make it interesting, unleash the non existent/ammateur photographer within!
I'll call it. Photolysis, how chemical right?
I'll take pictures of things.

I tried blogging on my PSP, doesn't work.
I tried updating my twitter through my PSP, doesn't work.
So i just update my facebook status every ten minutes! ahaha.

Back to memorising valencies and doing those english essays!
I need a critical reference for John Donne's Flea or the Ecstasy.
Yay i think i spelt ecstasy right.


  1. Haha I have a PSP! The battery only last like 30 minutes though now. Its very sad.

  2. lol
    i prolly will save
    im getting more checks apparently! :D

    aww. i want a job
    but Id prolly hate staring outside, too!
