Saturday, December 27, 2008


So I went to work today.
Its been a while, about One week and 6 days.
Before going to work i went to the newsagency and looked for Alternative Press, the only readable magazine in existence, well after Time magazine (which i can't get enough of-but will have to live without for a couple of weeks, my mum brings it home every friday from work, but its the holidays and she won't be at work)
Well anyways to my amusement i discovered AP hidden behind some skateboarding magazine. I could tell someone hid it on purpose, because i do that. Buts its understandable- desperate times (global financial crisis) call for desperate measures (hiding magazines).
So i bought it for $7.95. And then ran to work so i could make it on time.
Then when i was working the shop was dead, which was awesome cos my manager decided to close 30 minutes earlier. Sam did a little dance, then i was being super nice to all the customers, (i'm always nice, it just saddens me sometimes that some people can't be nice back) and then i was released from captivity.
It was raining outside so i read AP inside the store whilst sitting on stacked chairs, waiting for my brother to pick me up.

Okay my day bores me completely so i'm going to begin a new subject. Here are my happy and sad realisations. You decipher them yourself :)

1. Ska music makes me happy.
2. A Blue sky makes the world look more beautiful. Honestly everything looks so pretty and it makes me happy. The clouds look tangible- like they're actually fluffy and you can touch them and eat them like fairy floss (cumulus clouds look yummy. i'd never really liked wispy clouds...are they called cirrus?) , the sun filters through the trees and the grass is an unatural shade of green.
3. Not all people follow trends, speak like they're stupid and don't read.
4. I love that i don't have to try very hard not to be a conformist.
5. I love that i'm someone who reads too much, who writes too much, who has a life size harry potter poster on her wall above her book case, who appreciates literature and great writers like Leo Tolstoy, Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen.
6. Liking indie music makes you some what musically isolated.
7. The guys i've thought were great and awesome are fictitious- notably David from All American Girl, Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice, Ron Weasley- Harry Potter, Kevin-27 Dresses.
8. JRR Tolkein writes effortlessly.
9. I want to live in Borders
10. The manager at Dymocks Bookstore remembers me, because i'm there too often.
11. I don't think any of the above were sad realisations.

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