Friday, February 20, 2009

In response to something i read.

God is great.
God exists.
God is in every human and in every form of creation.
I find him in my heart and this i know is true.
I don't need facts. I don't need to see to believe.

I have truly realised the importance of having God in my life. At times i really do feel that he is with me, he is with me every step of the way. At times i feel that it is he, who proppels the belief i have in myself and it is he who makes me percieve things with optimism.
To rule out God's existence because there is suffering, is in my opinion, warranted.
People die- people die quietly, people die exhausting their vocal chords, people die screaming at the highest decible- people die.
The grief that comes with death is unbearable.
And i can understand why people are admanant that God is merely an invention of the human mind, so that we may see ourselves as significant.

You may think a God that is great will not allow any suffering to seep into the confines of our world from whatever hellish place suffering originates from. But God is great, because through suffering love is unearthed. When tragedy strikes in a community, people come forward and help each other. That is the beauty of suffering.
When we suffer, we face challenges but we come out as stronger people.
Suffering is a necessary part of life...
It plays an important role in this world.
God invented suffering for a reason.
God does not single out certain children and adds them to a predetermined death list because he believes they do not deserve life. Then why does he do it?
We'll never know. But to have enough trust in God, is to have enough faith and to have enough belief in him to realise that he knows what he is doing.
Suffering exists because its meant to, because a perfect world is no world. A world where there are no trials and tribulations is merely a pathetic excuse for lalala land. Through suffering, through war people are one step closer to finding peace. We learn from suffering. In all honesty if everyone lived forever and everything was perfect, what would the point of living be? We wouldn't be able to cry and we certainly wouldn't have a shoulder to cry on. We wouldn't feel the joy of someone caring for us, for someone having enough love to accept our pain and be there for us.
If there was no suffering the world would be perfect. We wouldn't be able to distinguish happiness from sadness, because sadness would not exist. It is suffering that gives meaning to our emotions. We are humans and we have the capacity to experience feelings.

We shouldn't question God's existence due to lack of evidence.
Some people do.
And its human to not believe in what isn't there.
But is also human to believe in something greater, something that transcends, something that created life.
For surely the ingenuity of science is not just coincidence.

If God doesn't exist, how do you explain love? How do you explain all the good things on earth? However little quantity of goodness you believe the earth has, how can good exist if there is no God?

How is it that the itracacies of this planet is just the work of science?
I believe in God.
I really do.
Because in everything beautiful you see, it's really God.


  1. You aren't referring to something I wrote are you? I hope I didn't offend you

  2. You have some good points there. I'm sort of religious. I do believe there in God and that there is a heaven. Yet it is hard for me to grasp myself around it at times. Like for me it is hard to believe God would want me to have 2 major surgeries before I was 13. After my second surgery I now have very very slight numbness in my legs and on my left arm. (I can still walk and do anything a normal kid have. It is just weird to feel sometimes.) Yet during my surgery I lost full capability of my legs which is pretty scary when you find out about it a year later from your parents. So after going through all that and spending 2 months in the hospital and now having to wear a back brace until I stop growing. Then there is the chance that I may have a surgery later on in my life. So all this suffering I've gone though makes me think, "Wow why would God put me through this?"

    Yet I'm just glad I'm alive. There are somethings in the World that are just to beautiful in this world to not be created by God. And even if I've gone through a lot of suffering, I'm still alive. That is what counts, right? I'm moderately happy, I go to a good school, and I've got enough in my life to get by. So that is enough for me. Also one main thing in my life that made me never want to hurt myself was religion.

    Finally, what I hate the most though. Is when people use religion for violence. Any type of religion. That is what is horrible, what makes me hate them and sometimes just think about why make a religion if it will cause violence?

    Well yeah I sort of just blogged on your blog. So that is just what I think.


  3. I may have messed up on somethings because my baby sister was distracting me but I think I went over most of what I think.

  4. I wish we could digg this! like the website digg!
    id comment a longer comment but I have a tight schedule to stick to

    i agree about the part of god letting us suffer. just because he does, doesnt mean hes not there.

    God has done so much for me personally and I completely recognize and thank him for that. im technically catholic, but i dont really go to church much and etc. Im spiritual, but not super strict with the catholic rules.
