Monday, February 9, 2009

let me express my disappointment by writing this post

"Oh my freaking gall bladder" was my initial respone to gaining a new follower. I think. I like to say that and i like to think i made it up, but i'll never know for sure- because:
a. It could have seeped into my subconscious from something i glanced at or momentarily listened to.
b. There is no universally acknowledging dictionary of coined expressions. I think.
c. Considering there are a great many people in this world the likelihood of such an expression being exclaimed is quite high.
d. Maybe its already entered the mainstreamn and i being ignorant to the many colloquialisms of different countries have failed to realise this

So after responding in such an inoffesive manner. Sorry gall bladder. I was disappointed to realise that Jimmy was my new follower. Sorry Jim Circuit.
Jimmy is however very rad. Today during study period he was helping me with my math homework and we got in trouble. Homeroom teacher gave me a death stare like hardout.
So he was very disappointed in us, which was evident in his expression "This is not partenership STUDY!" .
But i learnt something. That oughta count.
I bought Catcher in the Rye today by JD Salinger.
I can't express my love for American Classics. I heart the Great Gatsby <3.
I like Bronte and Austen Classics, but most english classics bore me.
And i've only read one Russian Classic, so i can't say much.

1 comment:

  1. I read Catcher in the Rye for school. It was an interesting book. I thought it started out very weird, the whole book overall. But it is a good read. Hope you have fun reading it.
