Saturday, February 7, 2009

scribbled out the truth with their lies

Work consisted of:
1.Discussing ska and No Doubt's return.
2.Sam drinking five cans of softdrink.
3.Riding trolleys with Sam and Mariah. It was 8.50 pm and we were in the car park near the bins riding aimlessly for a while.
4. Dragging the chairs in after close; it was still humid.
5. Realising that it wasn't going to get busy.

6. Making two burgers.

I'm working again tomorrow 12pm-8.30pm.

I like close shifts on sundays!

I wonder why the store's not busy anymore. Financial crisis?
Our shifts got cut by three hours. I work 3 hours a week now: how pointless yet great.

15 days till soundwave.
Lets hope there's no heat wave.

Come hither winter.
This summer is burning me.


  1. work sounds fun sorta. still at the icecream place? or did i just make that up altogether? ha ....but wtf is that banner of that half naked dude from that band that originated near me? crazehness heh cya

  2. a whole town in Australia burned down :O! u okay?
