Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The happenings are rather bland.
I had oxigeno (piltaes+ yoga) today, it was so relaxing. It totally kicked titration's ass- sick of measuring water and getting depressed about being innacurate.
I'm such a funny bunny at times, i get so caught up about the little things.
Anywho- recess and lunch have become antisocial sessions, I'm forced to read because everyone is listening to their ipods and playing solitaire.
Then Cwiz is always talking about the PM Series (twitter time, twitter time!) . Poop, i suck for not watching Rove, i mean i suck all together for not watching TV, except for Merlin.
It's just not as entertaining as before, the only thing i really watch- about once a month in rotation is: The Simpsons, Rules of Engagement and How I Met Your Mother, and Friends reruns. The last thing i watched was the Simpsons last week- Box factory episode.
I don't even get to watch Sunrise in the morning! (news source: CNN on twitter)
Because I'm always almost late! I was almost late for the bus this morning, so i wore two completely different socks, left the house with an empty stomach and half straight hair.
Cameron was successful in saving me a seat on the bus!
Pokemon conversations have died down.
My interent dependency is decreasing...ebbing slowly.
Rambling on.... i'll just admit the happenings are bland.

post script: Alicia is not a sinner.
AAhaha but we might be, singing FTSK songs- but really just singing the parts we know- in no particular order.

Bye bye diencephlons

1 comment:

  1. you have twitter! finally someone I follow on blogger has twitter! will you follow me? I WILL follow you, find me, my names Ceridwen Price

    oh and anti-socialness is lame and gets me down

